* Two types of power supply: Standart (USB) and enhanced (USB + external power supply) * Two expansions compatible with Orange4 and Omega MTRK so, just follow 2. Change the device setting in the registry.* Universal easy to plug panel ZIF16 for EEPROM Edit2: Grr! Won't allow me to post the link neither. And also VID_04D8 PID_900A is the vendor ID and product ID for the pickit3 :D. All credits to Jim Bovee who posted Hope it fixes problems for you too ! Edit: I won't let me link images :(, there is the link. If the workaround resolves the issue please respond with a comment containing the VID and PID for the device and the USB host controller to which it is connected (from top-level parent icon in step 4 of “Obtain Device Hardware ID” section). Right-click the new key and create a DWORD entry named DeviceHackFlags. For the device in this example the new key name is “00040001”. The name must be VID and PID strings obtained previously. In Registry Editor, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\usbstor. Right-click the regedit icon, and select Run as administrator. Run Registry Editor (regedit.exe) as administrator by searching for “regedit” in the Search charm. 2. Change the device setting in the registry.1. In this example, VID is 0004 and PID is 0001.

Make a note of the 4 digits occurring after “VID_” and “PID_” and close Device Manager.

On the Details tab, select Hardware Ids from the drop-down list. Right-click the USB Mass Storage Device node under which the device appears, and select Properties. Select the View > Devices by connection from the menu: 5. In Device Manager, expand the Disk Drives and locate the device: 4.

Search for “device manager” in the Search charm, and open Device Manager. Obtain the hardware ID of the USB storage device. Hello guys, I was experiencing the same issue, fixed it by following this steps : To disable suspend on idle for this device: 1.